The Power Of Setting Intentions
The Power Of Setting Intentions

The Power Of Setting Intentions

Breathe easy into your intentions this year. Fill yourself up with the air of hope and faith, and exhale any doubt or fear.

You do not need to force your life to happen.

Sit quietly in your body and feel your desires. What is it that you want? What beautiful things do you wish to manifest this year? What energy do you want to bring into your life?

Set your intentions, and trust that through aligning your energy with your desires, they will come to fruition.

An intention isn’t the same as a goal.

It isn’t something you can mark on a calendar or chart in your journal. It’s fluid, moving through you on a daily basis, not stagnant.

Embrace your desired feelings, embrace the changes you want to make, and set your intentions.

Focus on the feelings, on what energy you wish to bring into your year.

Instead of setting a goal, such as a number on the scale, set an intention, perhaps to love and cherish your body. Let your intentions guide you.

You cannot fail an intention. They are not accomplishments, they are mindset shifts. Intentions help you manifest miracles. Whenever you find yourself slipping away from your desired intention, simply realign yourself with that feel-good energy.

Release judgement, embrace being in the moment.

Intentions are beautiful because they allow for mistakes and will not hold you to some challenging standards. They meet you right where you are, and encourage you to grow.

Expand into your fullness; embody who you are.

Set your intentions for this year, and watch how easily it is to manifest your greatest desires.

Instead of putting energy into accomplishments, the things we do, put your energy into your being, how you show up in the world.

Set the intention to give and receive love more freely, and see how easily your heart fills with love. You will be guided towards making choices that fulfill this innate desire, instead of simply focussing on external results.

Focus on your internal world, set your intentions for how you wish to show up in your life, and watch yourself expand.

Set the intention to be closer to your higher self, to feel the presence of God, or to deepen your faith in humanity and the higher good. As you walk through your days with this intention, you will be reminded to choose faith over fear, love over judgement, and hope over discouragement.

Day by day, sticking to your intentions will manifest all that you desire.

Remember, we manifest, or create, with our energy. What we put out into the world always comes back to us. We tell the Universe what we want, and more importantly, we show the Universe what we believe we are worthy of.

Set your intentions to feel your worth, to feel how deserving of good things you are. Trust that you are inherently good, and that you are walking the perfect path designed specifically for you.

Trust your journey, and set the intention to believe that things are already working out for the higher good.

When you are in a place of trust, a place of relaxed hope, gratitude, and anticipation of more goodness on the horizon, you are sending out a signal of love.

You are signalling the Universe every day. Like a radio, you send out a frequency, and Spirit always tunes in. It hears you, even if you don’t speak a word. Spirit always hears you, and it always answers, giving you what you believe you deserve.

Intend to believe in your worth.

Remember, intentions are meant to be felt. They are a presence of mind, not an action. They can assist you in accomplishing your goals, but they are so much more than any single external wish.

Intentions are goals for the soul. Goals for your spirit. The desire of your higher self.

Intend to have a happier life, and remind yourself of this intention whenever you’re struggling. This will inspire and motivate you to find the good in any situation.

Intend to be more loving, more giving and compassionate. Cling to this intention whenever you are tempted to give into the fear of lack, that there isn’t enough for everyone. Remind yourself that you intend to share, to give, to be grateful. With this intention you will shift your perspective and return to love.

Miracles are shifts in perspective, and intentions are simply the goal to manifest miracles through mindfully choosing how you will respond to life.


You don’t need to figure it all out in one moment. Your intentions need not be profound or all-encompassing. Start small, start easy, and honour your journey.

Intend to be happier. Simple. Peaceful. Easy. Intend to see the good in any day, as there is always something to be thankful for.

Intend to embrace happiness, to share it, and to return to it whenever life drags you down.

Set your intentions now. Write them down. Put them up on a wall. Speak it in your prayers, practice in your dreams.

Intend for good things to happen, trust that they will, and be humbled when, in a year from now, your life is better than you could have ever imagined.

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What are some of your intentions for 2020 and beyond? Leave a comment and let me know! Two of my intentions are to love & honour my body, and to deepen my faith.

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