Ten Practical Tips For Writing (or simply saying) Prayers
Ten Practical Tips For Writing (or simply saying) Prayers

Ten Practical Tips For Writing (or simply saying) Prayers

Despite my initial reluctance to open my heart up to prayer, once I started speaking to the heavens I couldn’t keep doubting this wonderful practice. My personal prayer habits have evolved to include writing daily prayers in my journal, which has only deepened my connection to Spirit and my love of prayer. I highly recommend writing your own prayers, so here are some practical tips to you get started!

1. Pray to whichever form of the divine resonates with you. Spirit. God. Allah. Jesus. Zues. Ostara. The Moon. Archangel Michael. Cernunnos. Ganesh. Kirshna. Artemis. Isis. The Holy Spirit. Spirit guides. Guidarian Angels. Your higher self. The Universe. Source.

One night, after watching Aladdin, my four year old decided to pray to the all-powerful and benevolent Genie of the Lamp, so we rolled with it.

We are all connected and come from a single source, so whomever you pray to ultimately doesn’t matter. What matters is that they resonate with you. Pray to whomever inspires you to open your heart.

2. Begin by showing appreciation for all the abundance and blessings already in your life. If you want to manifest a better life, you need to first appreciate what you have. Being grateful raises your frequency, your consciousness, making you more receptive to guidance from a higher source. Try to be thankful before make any requests.

3. Have a gracious attitude. The Universe has your back, and is always working to guide you towards your greatest good. We can’t always know what that entails, and so it’s not our place to make demands or have expectations.

When you write your prayer, be open to receiving guidance in any form, and trust that Spirit always has your back.

4. Finish with gratitude. I can’t overemphasize the importance of gratitude, especially when speaking to our higher selves. Our frequency directly influences our lives, and few things raise our vibrations as quickly as expressing gratitude. It’s always good to end things on a positive note.

5. Read it out loud. Say the words to yourself, and to the Universe. Speaking our desires gives them great power and makes them more real, and distinguishes them from all the other thoughts in your head. When you’re done writing, read/pray it out loud!

6. Pray when things are going well too, and not only in moments of despair. If you only write and pray when things are difficult, then you will begin to associate prayer with those negative feelings. Pray about the good times too. Express gratitude and appreciation for all of life’s modest miracles. This will also help your prayer book be filled with diverse prayers, instead of only desperate pleas.

7. Pray throughout your day. You can write more than once a day, and I highly encourage you to pray out loud multiple times a day. When you are feeling thankful, overwhelmed, appreciative, afraid, or whenever you are feeling strong, overwhelming emotions, stop and pray.

If you make it a habit to connect with Spirit regularly, it will be easier to make that connection in moments of need. Speak, and know that The Universe is listening.

8. Read prayers for inspiration. I highly recommend you regularly go back and reread your old prayers, both for inspiration and to see how your mindset has changed.

Find other prayers to read and be moved by. There are many diverse lightworkers and religious teachers who can inspire our prayers. Read or listen to how other’s connect with God and see how they inspire you.

9. Share your prayer practice with someone you trust. Praying with others can be a powerful experience, which is why I highly recommend sharing some of your prayers with someone close to you. Your loved ones, children, partners, friends and family, or even strangers online may be inspired to give prayer a try because of you. Spread the love.

10. Pray in whatever way feels best! Feel free to completely reject my tips! Prayer is about connecting your soul with something higher. It can raise your frequency and shift your perspective, leaving you feeling hopeful or blessed. Pray in whatever way resonates with you, and don’t waste energy worrying about doing it correctly. If it helps you feel better and more connected to your higher self then it’s working!

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I hope these tips have eased your concerns about praying the right way. Prayer is something I’ve come to fully embrace because of the miraculous shifts it creates in my perspective. It has quickly become my favourite spiritual pratice, and I hope you come to enjoy it too.

Have you tried writing your prayers? How did the experience go? Leave a comment, or a prayer, and let me know how this spiritual practice is going for you!