Knowing What’s Best For You
Knowing What’s Best For You

Knowing What’s Best For You

I don’t know what’s best for you, love, how could I? I cannot feel how your body responds to certain experiences, nor can I adequately predict the complexities of your soul contract.

I do not know what it means to be you.

None of us can properly anticipate what desires other people have. No matter how well I know you, and know what you love, I still cannot claim to know your divine desires.

Be mindful that you don’t assume to know mine, or anyone else’s.

Don’t worry, love, you are not alone in your decision making. Often seeking out valuable advice can help us discern what we truly want. Other people can help us sort through our options, or discover previously unseen paths, but they cannot know which path is truly best for us.

Only you can ever know what is best for you.

We are the only ones who know where we want to go. Other people simply give suggestions.

Your best direction is the one which feels best for you.

When you are on the right path, your heart will sing and your soul will shine. You will know, deep down, that you are heading in the right direction.

Being in alignment, with ourselves and The Universe, always feels right.

You know what it feels like when your energy hits the right spot. Right there, don’t stop until you reach your latest high. Peak experiences, enlightenment and evolution bursting through one beautiful moment.

Then the moment fades, and another beautiful desire replaces it.

I cannot tell you which mountains to climb, or which path to take. Only you know how to get yourself there.

Only you, my sweet love, know how to create your own personal Nirvana.

So look up and seek out your current desires. Your dreams are moving towards you, all you need to do is flow to them.

Dig deep and feel.

Feel what it means to be you, in every moment, and know that those feelings are guiding you.

Your emotions are always telling you what you desire; they are the barometer of spiritual alignment. Your feelings help connect you to your soul.

I cannot guide you, because I cannot feel for you.

All I can ever do is remind you of your power. Turn within, love, and ask yourself the questions. Practice listening to the answers that come from your spirit. Then practice acting on said wisdom.

Just as life is a journey and not a destination, spirituality is a practice, not an achievement. We are made of energy, and to flow in the loving frequency of the universe is our purpose. Your unique perspective offers unique dreams, beautiful soul desires, that are tailored for you.

You must find your own way. Only you can know what feels right for you.

So don’t worry, my love, simply relax and tune in. In every moment you already know if you’re in alignment. You know if your life, in this present moment, feels good.

Trust your feelings, and know that they are meant to guide you. Listen to your soul, and know that it is guiding you to your own version of heaven.

Appreciate the well-intentioned advice of others, but remember that deep down, only you know what is best for you.