The Journey So Far
The Journey So Far

The Journey So Far

Don’t let the journey weigh you down, love, your history is not a burden. Challenges are often blessings in disguise, guiding you to your next transformation. If you feel stuck, trapped by circumstances, know that the only cage is your mind.

Don’t let your ego, the voice of your fears, hold you back.

Grow, my love, and shed your old skin. Let those old thoughts slip away as you work to invite the presence of the love back into your heart. Transforming your life starts with changing your mind.

Let go of doubt, fear, and worry. Cling to hope, faith, and gratitude.

Things will start to get better the moment you believe they can.

Please don’t waste anymore time regretting things you can’t change. Burn the past away. Cleanse yourself, claim the lessons and wisdom from the ashes. Rise up and be reborn. Like the phoenix, any death is truly transformation into a more beautiful you. Fire and light. Passion and soul.

Spirit in body
You are the divine
Alive in the flesh

Your journey is sacred and your wisdom rightfully earned. This life is meant to crack you open, finally allowing your divine light to shine through.

Don’t let the struggles close you up. Crack open, nurture the flame, and keep facing forward.

Remember, my dearest loves, your thoughts create your world. If your mind is constantly replaying the past, or caught in a loop of worry and regret, you will continue to feel trapped.

You cannot manifest a magical life if your energy is always trapped in low vibrations.

Often our thoughts need guidance. Our brains get stuck in old familiar neural connections. We are held captive by our own patterns, but thankfully our souls hold the key.

Every challenging moment brings the opportunity to tap into our higher selves and redirect our energy.

At any part of your journey you can change directions, one small step at a time. Redirect your energy towards the light. Train your brain to find the silver lining. Slowly you will make positive thinking your default mode.

Slowly, you will begin to see how the journey has always been guiding you towards your highest good.

Spirit will never abandon you, because you can never be separated from spirit.

You are spirit. You are your journey.

So don’t let the journey weigh you down, my love. Instead, use the disappointments to remind you of your desired destination.

Keep facing forward
Keep shining your light, and
Keep striving for joy
One step at a time.