

Welcome, Dear Reader,
I must admit that I love you already.

I love the beauty inside you, that human spark of life. We are not so different, you and I. Regardless of who we are or what identities we claim, you and I are the same.

This is my declaration to you.

I promise to always love you. To show up with integrity everyday. To do the work, even when I’m tempted to give in to my fears.

I promise to always remember the person behind the screen. Our shared humanity. Our connected souls.

We are connected right now, can you feel it?

If you are here reading this, perhaps you would like to stay. Get to know me, and maybe, get to know yourself.

For we are not so different, you and I.

I promise to always be honest and authentic. I will never knowingly tell a lie. Instead I will always speak what I know to be true. Your response is yours to hold.

Dearest reader.

I truly meant it when I said that I already love you. It’s true.

I love you because you are you. A unique human with a desire to do more. Be more. Be yourself. Fully. Completely. Unreserved. Confident. Loving.


You are fucking powerful. As am I.

Together we will change the world through changing ourselves. This is my journey. I wonder what yours will bring.

Know that you can always reach me. I will always be here. Somewhere. Writing. Listening. Being.


Your host,

Diane Twineheart