Meeting My Spirit Guide
Meeting My Spirit Guide

Meeting My Spirit Guide

The Time My Spirit Guide Saved My Life

When I was sixteen I lived in a sketchy apartment with my boyfriend. Neither of us felt welcome in our parents’ homes, so we had decided to move in together while still attending high school.

This would be the place I remember first meeting my spirit guide.

One day I came home to an empty apartment and was freshening up in the bathroom when I heard a knock on the door.

Now it is worth saying that I originally had no intention to open the door. I assumed that whomever was knocking was looking to cause trouble, so I ignored it.

After all, it was in front of this apartment where I once walked over the remnants of a crime scene on my way to catch the bus for school. Someone had been stabbed to death on my front walkway, a not untypical crime for the area.

This was not the kind of place where teenage girls could innocently answer the door, and so while my anxiety spiked, I willed the unwanted visitor to move on and leave me be.

They knocked again, and this time I felt compelled to answer.

When I opened the door I saw a charming young man. He had medium length curly blonde hair and trusting blue eyes. Dressed casually, but cleanly, he simply told me that I had left my keys in the door, before walking off down the hall.

I was stunned. To think of what could have become of me if someone less altruistic stumbled upon my unlocked home with me inside was frightening.

This person, whom I had never seen before nor crossed paths with again, saved me from untold doom.

I was shocked, confused, and grateful.

I hastily left my keys sticking in the lock on my sketchy apartment. An absent-minded mistake as a result of rushing along, soul detached from body.

In a moment I was reminded of the devastating importance of being mindful and aware of my surroundings.

While nothing horrible happened to me, I know I came but a turn of a doorknob away from harm, and I have my angel to thank.

I didn’t recognize my humble saviour as my spirit guide until a decade later. I had been working to connect with my guide through meditation and lucid dreaming, and was starting to get a sense for his very distinct energy pattern.

An image of how he looked, or at least how he often presented himself to me, was starting to form.

One morning, while recounting a particularly vivid dream, I was hit with the memory of that apartment hero, and in that moment I knew it was my guide.

I finally recognized him.

Thankfully my guide hasn’t had to physically intervene in my life in any major ways since then; so far I’ve been able to remember the important value of being mindful as a safety measure.

For now, this memory remains as one of my treasured memories of interacting with my spirit guide, but it’s also more than that.

This is the memory, the miracle moment, of learning that being present in your body can be a matter of life or death.