Dream Come True
Dream Come True

Dream Come True

I first met my children on the sunny shores of the beach I had created in my dream. I’d fallen asleep for a late-pregnancy nap, and as I drifted I felt myself falling through time. Another lucid pregnancy dream, but this time I had a plan.

I wanted to meet my children.

I manifested a simple beach scene, which was soon filled with generic dream people. Then I started looking for my children, knowing they would come if I summoned them.

Confidence is key when using dream powers.

There they were, two wonderful children; they looked nothing like me.

The oldest was a little girl who was dressed to match my bathing suit. My mind told me she was just like me, and five years later that has proven to be very accurate. She embraced me and was excited to spend time together.

This was the baby in my womb.

She brought along her little brother, a timid boy who seemed uncertain at our meeting. His destiny was not yet set, but he soon warmed up to me.

We played in the sand and splashed in the water. It was a miraculous dream but it ended very quickly. We said our goodbyes and I slowly woke up. My husband was amazed when I told him about my dream, but back in my heavy body I felt less certain of what I experienced.

I didn’t feel comfortable fully believing the experience was real, so I waited.

I birthed my baby, a daughter whose temperament is just like mine. Then a few years later came my son, ready to join our family.

Sometimes I see them running through the house, my big kid leading her little sibling on an adventure, and I’m reminded of how she held his hand and encouraged him to meet me on that beach.

I guess dreams really do come true after all.
