The Importance Of Choosing To Believe In Something
The Importance Of Choosing To Believe In Something

The Importance Of Choosing To Believe In Something

When I first started reading the tarot I struggled to believe that the cards I drew were specifically meant for me. Wasn’t it all random? Was I simply trying to convince myself that I was having a meaningful experience when in truth I was only tricking myself?

Unsurprisingly I struggled to find value in the early readings I gave myself, as they were riddled with self-doubt.

Eventually I was struck with an idea: I would simply assume the cards were meant for me, and believe that there was some higher force at play.

At first I still had my doubts, but as I learned to push those thoughts away, I began to see deep meaning and understanding in the spreads. I could see connections between the cards and what I needed to work on in my personal life. I started learning about myself while learning the system of symbols in the tarot, and I was able to quickly pick up the various meanings behind each card.

Ultimately it doesn’t matter if our spiritual experiences are real, what matters is how they shape us.

As my skills improved, I started reading for other people, and again I was faced with doubt. Each card carries deep and often conflicting messages. Simply repeating the meaning of a card doesn’t provide guidance; understanding the tarot goes much deeper than identifying symbols in the cards.

Again I had the thought to simply trust in the guidance I was giving. I freed myself to simply say whatever came into my mind as I read the cards, trusting that I was interpreting each card as my client needed. I didn’t force myself to share every possible explanation, and instead allowed myself to be guided by my heart and my soul.

In the end of the sessions, my clients would thank me for my time, telling me that my readings had helped them work through the murky thoughts in their minds. I had done my job, without needing to worry about doing it correctly.

My spiritual journey as a Lightworker has moved beyond the tarot, and over the years I’ve had many spiritual experiences that have deepened my understanding of the meaning of life.

At times, I’ve been tempted to doubt myself, and doubt the messages that were coming through. Was any of it real?

Are any psychics, angel readers, tarot enthusiasts, spiritual authors, or any other form of Lightworker, genuine? Are their experiences valid and truthful?

While we may someday be able to answer these questions with science, for now, I’m content to say that ultimately it really doesn’t matter.

How we perceive our world shapes what we experience. In this way our beliefs directly affect our happiness.

I used to know of a man who appeared to be homeless. He was jolly and cheerful, always striking up conversations with both strangers and regular people passing by.

Now of course I can’t speak to his personal experience, what he felt about his life, but I can say that whenever I happened to spot him, he almost always appeared jolly.

His happiness wasn’t defined by his class or social status, it came from within. His perception went beyond what he owned, and his joy came from somewhere deep within.

It’s no wonder people loved pausing their busy days to talk to him.

Our perceptions shape our lives.

Your experiences are a result of your thoughts, and thankfully, at any moment you have the power to change your thoughts.

You can choose to believe in something more. Today, right now, you can say a prayer and choose to believe someone is listening. You can tell yourself that you are blessed, and that your life is filled with abundance, regardless of things like your bank statement.

Does it really matter if others agree with you? Who can decide how abundant your life is? Who gets to decide how valuable or enjoyable your life is? How would one measure that?

These intangible things that we all yearn for: joy, bliss, satisfaction, love, comfort, safety, compassion, happiness, etc, are available to us right now, but first we need to choose to believe in them.

So today, I ask that you open yourself up to the possibilities of your life. Open yourself up to believing in something higher, and believing in your own divine worth.

Even if it’s not yet verifiable whether you are truly communing with the divine while you pray, or that your tarot cards are not random and meaningless, what you experience matters.

Your experiences are shaped by your beliefs, and so you might as well believe in something.

Start by believing in yourself.


Need a little guidance? Feeling stuck, like the answers you seek are just outside your grasp? Let me help!

I offer Tarot and Oracle card readings through video chat or, if you’re in Edmonton, we can have our session in the comfort of your home!

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