Treasured Regrets
Treasured Regrets

Treasured Regrets

Homemade ploymer clay wedding cake topper of our cats getting married

I am a destroyer of creation
I’ve broken many art installations
In the gallery of my life
Precious expressions trashed
Paint, clay, and digital words
Ripped, smashed, and deleted
I have little left of my creative past
Only regrets

I’ve struggled to own my journey
A blessed treasure chest of failure
Seeing no value in my creations
Inspired art born of passion
Deemed worthless by a woman
Who couldn’t yet love herself
I’ve destroyed my own history
For fear of having to own it
Leaving nothing but ashes
Of regrets

Fear of unworthiness fuels
My own form of self-mutilation
I’ve ruined my creations
In passionate moments of
Self-loathing, wondering why
I can’t simply love my things
For the process and not the product
I’ve struggled to cry for abandoned
Art from my years of exploration
Left to rot in every wastebin
Only leaving remnants
Discarded regret

To mourn the loss of
Every past passion project
Discarded by insecurity
I wish I could see them now
Honour my journey through
Recognizing their imperfections
Worthy little broken pieces
My history reflected in my art
Lost forever, they are only memories
I finally understand the true meaning
Of regret

Polymer clay heart charms I made as wedding reception gifts