I showed my husband the skirt on the rack, curious to see if his reaction to it would mirror mine. He was shocked and disgusted, as I had hoped. We are alike in this way.
The skirt itself is relatively inoffensive in design. Think schoolgirl punk. Short and eye catching. My only issue with it was the size. It was designed for the little body of my four year old, making me extremely uncomfortable.
I don’t like seeing children dressed up to look like adults.
Maybe it’s my own history of being abused as a young girl. Or perhaps I struggle to let my oldest child grow up and take on this scary world.
In the end we found other clothes perfect for our children to learn and play in. I pray I may continue to help them dress themselves in clothes that allow them to express their unique personality, while still encouraging them to be children.
I only hope to be a good influence on my kids, especially while they are so young and impressionable.
Adulthood will come soon enough, I figure there’s no need to force it. Besides, there is always something new at the thrift shop.