Go Now
Go Now

Go Now

Your dreams are worthy.

Your dreams are worthy, they deserve to see the light of day.

Please don’t lock them up inside, shunning them eternally as you wait for all your excuses to resolve themselves. Your dreams deserve to been seen and felt. Caress them often.

Allow yourself to admit to your deep desires. What is life calling you to do? Do it now. There is no better time to begin, and thankfully you already have everything you need to get started.

Plan, if you must, but let the planning be the first small step on a long road of self-discovery. Don’t delay for fear of not having the perfect idea, just begin.

Remember that every failure is a wonderful learning lesson, a practice round before you master your craft.
You will get there, I promise.

Remember to give yourself time mixed with compassion, and perhaps a bit of chocolate to soften the blow.

Nothing happens overnight. Breakthroughs often come from saved energy waiting for the right moment, the right trigger, to explode. You are the trigger, and the miracle of self-discovery is the chaos you will create. Allow yourself to follow your flow. Explode with passion and do those things you only think about.

Let go of all doubt. There is no need for it here, in the land of dreams. Fear is natural, a test to make us question and consider, but fear should never be the guiding principle of your life.

Fear should never be the guiding principle of your life. Click To Tweet

Let it go and give into the love. Love yourself enough to dream.

So today, right now, as my words come to their conclusion, go forward and make it happen for yourself.

Allow yourself to dream, and write those dreams down. Look at them often, and remember to take steps daily. Little steps to build momentum and keep your spirits up. Big challenging steps that force you to level-up your skills and step out of your comfort zone.

Walk towards your own enlightenment daily, by reconnecting with your soul’s calling. You were made to do it all, no matter how big or small your dreams might seem, they were made specifically for you.

You can do it, I promise, all you need do is try. Bit by bit, you will get there.

So take those dreams out of hiding. Apologize for allowing them to be neglected. Examine them to see if they have changed. Now commit to them, and to yourself.

Commit to creating your best life, once small dream-like step at a time. You will get there, if only you keep going.

Go now. A new day is breaking, and your dreams are ready to start this adventure with you as their companion. Join in, head out, and make it happen.

Then tell us about it, because the world loves to hear inspirational stories of those who finally decided to follow their hearts, and pursue those wild dreams.

Go now, your dreams are waiting for you.