Dance With The Universe
Dance With The Universe

Dance With The Universe

Follow your path, love. Let it all unfold as it should. You are the music maker, orchestrating your life. Use the instruments given to you, with passion and grace.

You are a child of the light, and it is your duty to find your home amongst the stars.

Believe in yourself, and know that you are made to create wonders. Mountains will move for you, if only you learn to kindly ask them. Give love freely, and you will discover how loving this world is.

Enrich your life by giving in to the very fabric of nature. You are one with the angels, though they reside in another realm.

This Earthly plane is where you create your magic. Make your mark.

Take up your instruments and make music. Conduct the symphony, flow with the waves of harmony. Vibrate your ideal frequency and dance to the rhythm of your life.

Dance, and manifest a glorious life, one beat at a time.

Dance, and find the hidden path within yourself.

Dance with the Universe and know that you are a treasured star.
